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High Injury Network

The City of Los Angeles High Injury Network (HIN) spotlights streets with a high concentration of traffic collisions that result in severe injuries and deaths, with an emphasis on those involving people walking and bicycling.


(Source: SWITRS, LADOT. January 2009 – December 2013.) 



Data Highlights

People walking and bicycling are the most at risk of being hurt or killed while moving about the city. 


Nearly half of all traffic fatalities involve people walking and bicycling.


Our youth and older adults are particularly vulnerable. 30% of those killed or severely injured while walking or bicycling are under 18 or over 64 years of age.





How Can We Achieve Vision Zero? 

Over 65% of all severe and fatal traffic collisions involving people walking occur on just 6% of our City streets.  


By focusing resources on these streets, we can get closer to our Vision Zero goal.





Community Health and Equity Index 

Nearly half of the High Injury Network streets are in communities burdened with the poorest health outcomes and economic conditions. 

Areas in blue are those identified in the Plan for a Healthy Los Angeles as the most burdened by health disparities as part of the Plan's Health and Equity Index, which combines demographic, socio-economic, health conditions, land use, transportation, food environment, crime, and pollution burden data into a single lens through which to compare health conditions citywide. To learn more about the Los Angeles Health Atlas, click here





Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan

School age children (under 18 years of age) account for 17% of all fatal and severe injury collisions involving people walking and bicycling in the City of Los Angeles. 
The Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan - launched by LADOT in 2012 - has identified the Top 50 schools with the most need. All of the schools prioritized under the Strategic Plan are found along or within a quarter mile of the High Injury Network. Vision Zero builds from efforts like the Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan to continue focusing resources on areas of the City with the most demonstrated need.


Explore The Network

This map allows you to view the High Injury Network in more detail. 


If you want to find a particular intersection or address, use the search bar in the top left corner of the map. 


For intersections, use the 'Street Name' and the '&' symbol (Example: Woodman & Victory). 
For street addresses, use the 'Street Number', 'Street Name' and 'Zip Code' (Example: 100 S MAIN ST, 90012). Do not include street types such as 'Ave' or 'Blvd.' 



High Injury Network

The City of Los Angeles High Injury Network (HIN) spotlights streets with a high concentration of traffic collisions that result in severe injuries and deaths, with an emphasis on those involving people walking and bicycling.


(Source: SWITRS, LADOT. January 2009 – December 2013.) 



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Data Highlights

People walking and bicycling are the most at risk of being hurt or killed while moving about the city. 


Nearly half of all traffic fatalities involve people walking and bicycling.


Our youth and older adults are particularly vulnerable. 30% of those killed or severely injured while walking or bicycling are under 18 or over 64 years of age.





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How Can We Achieve Vision Zero? 

Over 65% of all severe and fatal traffic collisions involving people walking occur on just 6% of our City streets.  


By focusing resources on these streets, we can get closer to our Vision Zero goal.





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Community Health and Equity Index 

Nearly half of the High Injury Network streets are in communities burdened with the poorest health outcomes and economic conditions. 

Areas in blue are those identified in the Plan for a Healthy Los Angeles as the most burdened by health disparities as part of the Plan's Health and Equity Index, which combines demographic, socio-economic, health conditions, land use, transportation, food environment, crime, and pollution burden data into a single lens through which to compare health conditions citywide. To learn more about the Los Angeles Health Atlas, click here





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Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan

School age children (under 18 years of age) account for 17% of all fatal and severe injury collisions involving people walking and bicycling in the City of Los Angeles. 
The Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan - launched by LADOT in 2012 - has identified the Top 50 schools with the most need. All of the schools prioritized under the Strategic Plan are found along or within a quarter mile of the High Injury Network. Vision Zero builds from efforts like the Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan to continue focusing resources on areas of the City with the most demonstrated need.


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Explore The Network

This map allows you to view the High Injury Network in more detail. 


If you want to find a particular intersection or address, use the search bar in the top left corner of the map. 


For intersections, use the 'Street Name' and the '&' symbol (Example: Woodman & Victory). 
For street addresses, use the 'Street Number', 'Street Name' and 'Zip Code' (Example: 100 S MAIN ST, 90012). Do not include street types such as 'Ave' or 'Blvd.' 



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